Just a quick question are duf.PNG files anywhere necessary

Issue #1606 invalid
Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz created an issue

in these functions right here




Because I'm running some code and I delete a pose duf.PNG to test and the code just won't run

Any help is much appreciated and thanks for your awesome creation i'm having so much fun with the API

Comments (4)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    If you select files in a file selector, the files foo.duf, foo.png and foo.tip.png should all lead to the file foo.duf being loaded. Same for .dsf instead of .duf. So if you haven’t deleted the .duf file, everything should be fine.

    I’m rarely using the scripting interface, but it looks like the behaviour is the same there.

    But it is very strange that merge_rigs should be affected at all, since it doesn’t use a file selector and doesn’t depend on any external files.

  2. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    I am so sorry to waste your time I found out the error was somewhere else in my code and it was fine I wrote that here specifically but I guess I forgot to press enter I wrote that definitely DUF pngs are not necessary And I had learned the answer

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