Rigi-fy hand pose strange problem (G3 G8))

Issue #161 resolved
engetudouiti created an issue

To solve this issue, check the last reply please (manuall way, and code which may need to include in rigi-fy meta-rig enerate process)

I found new issue after convert rigi-fy with Add on. When try to use master finger bone scale to bend each figners, it bend each finger wrong direction. That means, after conversion, finger roll is set wrong. And I can confirm it.

The prolbem detail is discribed, in my replys of this topic..

I think this issue is complex enough, so I change tittle, and send this report as new one.

the difficulity is,, when I check the meta-rig, plug in generated (for G3). I think all finger roll (X axis, Z axis) set correctly.

So without this plug in change them,, when generate rigi-fy,,basically I expecat, generate rig hands pose correctl with master-bone scale of each figners.

Actually even though I did not use Add on generate rig-fy funciton, but simply use default rigi-fy generate rig from same meta-same problem happen.

At least as my knowledge,, generated meta-rig finger rolls (hand ) is corrrect.

I have never seen this issue, when generate rig with rigi-fy,, (if I set finger bone roll of meta-rig correctly, rigi-fy can offer stable rigi-fy hand rigs. then master finger scale can bend each finger bones, correctly.

Hope someone confirm it and solve issue if you can, or find what cause problem

At current I think , I may need to ask rigi-fy add on author or send report with rig.

(And now I could confirm same problem happen about G8 default rig, then the meta-rig fingerr roll is OK at least with my knowledge)

Comments (13)

  1. engetudouiti reporter

    I found issue about figner posing .. I feel it seems happen when convert rig-fy with add on.

    (about default hand bones, I think roll is almost correct,, so it seems happen in conversion process)

    at current,, finger bones of rig-fy Z axis not face correctly. To rigi fy finger master controller work,

    each finger bone (of meta-rig) Z axis (arrow) need to face , the bone main rotation direction for posing. or when we use finger pose master controlelr with “scale”, each finger bone bend corrupt way.

    like this pic

    I simply use default add on generate rig (so it is not my customize about bone roll)

    And I know, about default rig finger roll seems correct when generate by add on.

    So the problem seems happen,, generate meta-rig or convert rig-fy process.

    finger bones need to set roll like this

  2. engetudouiti reporter

    I confirm, meta-rig have no problem. (plug in use 2 steps, generate base meta-rig, then convert with some tweaking)

    I think the second step = conversion process, seems cause this finger roll issues. (aka z-axis directions)

  3. engetudouiti reporter

    About blender default human-meta-rig,,

    Meta-rig, and generated rigi-fy finger bones roll is correct.

    (Z-axis along to bend direction). then it work with master figner bone controller, as it should be.

    so it seems happen, when generate rig-fy from meta-rig process by daz importer..I suppose.

    (if plug-in try to adjust finger roll etc for each figurers pr something change when copy and paste from original?)

  4. engetudouiti reporter

    Yes even though I use default G3f mesh, after generate rig-fy rigs, it change bone rolls.

    (I did not install any morph or pose controller for this test)

    from meta-rig (or default add-on rig). So master finger controll do not pose correctly.

    I can pick up,, these finger bones (of G3F), seems change roll, and it change for each finger ^^;

    ORG, DEF, MCH-f ring finger bones

    ORG,DEF,MCH- f pinky finger bones

    ORG,DEF,MCH- f index finger bones

    those 3 finger base bones are perfectly change (almost around 90 as they like) , I assume they keep same roll, (ORG, DEF, MCH)

    only sum bones roll correctl, middle bone is almost 10 degree seems change roll.

  5. engetudouiti reporter

    OK I find how to solve this issue.

    The problem is, when I generate meta-rig,, add on may use default human meta-rig set up.

    Then all finger bones use “limbs.super_finger” rig-type. (wecan check it in pose mode, with select each finger chain root bone. then go to bone property> rigi-fy Type >options>Bend Rotation axis.

    I did not think it matter, but actually if I change the bend option “Automatic” >> “manuall X”

    for each r and l hands, limbs.super_finger, after that generate Rigify by add on offer “rigify metarig”

    button, now all finger related bone roll set correctly, then can bend finger with master scale without problem!!

    if you simply use convert to rigify directly, I suppose you can not . (because add on generate special meta-rig, and when generate rigi-fy rig, it add face bones etc,, )

    I suppose Thomas can change those “limbs.super_finger” Bend Rotation axis value as “manuall X” for meta-rig, when convert for Rigi-fy. Though I do no know full path of the rigi-fy property to access.

    hope Thomas will check it.. Rigifyparameters.primary_rotation_axis

  6. engetudouiti reporter

    I check props of rigify parameters, so to access those rotation axis,

    we need to set each meta-rig pose bone which have rigfy_type = ‘limbs.super_finger’

    then when generate meta-rig,, do something like this, may set rotation_axis correctly.

    mrig = bpy.context.object #meta-rig is context object
    for pb in mrig.pose.bones:
        if pb.rigify_type == 'limbs.super_finger':
            pb.rigify_parameters.primary_rotation_axis = 'X'

  7. engetudouiti reporter

    haha,, thanks you understand this problem. I did not check rigi-fy many months, so did not notice it,,

    Some rig type options change seems can be adapted and enhanced for plug in rigi-fy rig I think. (it becom better than before..)

    I know you are busy person,, so do not hope you take tmany time about things if it is not so diffiicult ^^; (though I took time enough to find what is wrong,,).

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