I can't set the action name on the import action API function

Issue #1616 invalid
Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz created an issue

I've tried it with my own code but then I just broke it down into writing a string containing the action name but it's not working ….is the location of the action name key important or can I just put it anywhere within the parentheses

            if manager.diffeomorphic_import_action == True:
                fps = float(manager.diffeomorphic_fps)
                actionName = manager.diffeomorphic_action_name if manager.diffeomorphic_action_name != "" else "Action"                
                bpy.ops.daz.import_action(fps=fps, firstFrame=manager.diffeomorphic_first_frame, lastFrame=manager.diffeomorphic_last_frame, actionName="Actions")

The above code isn't working I remember I could turn errors on so I'm gonna go ahead and turn on errors and try again and we'll post back

Comments (5)

  1. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    One note I turned on false for silent mode and there was there was no information stating the action name that was added so it might be a good idea to at least print to the console maybe just confirmation that an action was added or something but you guys know more about this,,,

  2. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter


    It's important to explicitly set this I just found out I don't wanna take any of your valuable time so you don't even have to answer this unless you have something else to add you could just mark it as resolved but then people could find this

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