Posted a file character has metal looking skin..need fix

Issue #1619 invalid
Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz created an issue

Okay I have a character that I animated and is all set up and ready to go but I just switched to render mode and she has metal looking skin so I imported the character again and it looks OK so I could just transfer the materials over but doing it one by one kind of sucks if you guys don't have a quick fix on this to just you know reimport all the materials then I'll just go ahead and write some sort of operator that'll do this but I figured you would

so if you do can you let me know i've tried you know importing the character with the good materials …saving those materials to a dot JSON and loading them again that didn't work…………… I tried the import daz materials function to load the materials from the file and that just added some weird materials to her skin so if you don't have anything that would do this fix which I kinda deem as 100% fix because this has consistently worked… Again just reimporting the character noticing it looks OK this time and copying the materials over one by one but this time making an operator do it for me…….. can you implement something because I'm gonna implement something first thing tomorrow either way in the meantime until you guys get something but this could really improve diffiomorphic.. and it seems more logical to come from your end… take care and thanks for all the fun I'm having with Difffeomorphic!…. I don't know if you guys saw my other post but I remembered what the fix was and that was turning SSS skin to true but that's not working in this case it's a different kind of metal looking skin… Here's my blender file if you can let me know a quick fix in this case ohh yeah….the character with the good skin is in the same collection as the character that is in view when you open up the blender file but it's just her mesh………. the Xue Mesh that is just a extra body mesh in that collection is the good materials mesh

I am using the latest development version… marked this as major because I think I found out a real answer …………… implementing the idea that I've come up with it will fix an issue that I've come through many times in this case the error is because I have a file that's full of errors because I loaded a really old scene I found and it has a lot of mixed legacy nodes and some messed up drivers in there.. still learning how to fix those… but I got a similar issue when I moved from blender 3.4 I think it was to 3.5 .1 I got metal looking skin… setting S S S skin to true fix that one.. but just a quick easy way to fix these materials Could help when these issues come up…. I've gotten stuck on some diffeomorphic processes probably 'cause I didn't post issues here but that have taken me a long time to figure out so everything you could implement you know like a quick fix like this that would you know cause when you're a professional you gotta get a job done and you don't even have to think about it just whatever auto fixes you guys could add would be perfect!… Then just one button reload if the body is selected reload every material connected to that body you know like eyes and face and hands and arms and legs from the original file just like you imported it again and did it yourself…

Comments (5)

  1. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    OK it wasn't in the documentation what does use replace faces do and thank you very much for the for implementing this already I'm writing something that will reimport the last imported character and then automatically copy the materials over and then delete the character I don't know exactly what the end result is but I’ll post whatever I find so if you like it you could add it just to take button clicks out of the process for the end user and take out guesswork

  2. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    Just a note you guys probably know even a better way to do this because you know the internal workings of all this stuff so maybe can even just grab it from the duf file directly or something

  3. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    And just to know some people get stuck on stuff in diffeomorphic because it's a little highbrow as far as the tool tips if they were all a little bit more descriptive that could really help people that are new to Diffieomorphic because even when I looked at the copy materials stuff all those different options I didn't fully understand what each one did… If you need help doing that the ones that I do understand I could just send over and as I understand them I could just write a tool tip and send it over… Just for note I have some tool tips that are like I think maybe one is even like 500 characters and those don't really even get in the way sometimes but just the timing blender uses for tool tip display hasnt caused that being a real hassle in my add-on…. In my add on the tool tips are essentially the documentation until I get around to making some… I think that's a huge time saver

  4. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    Now this is better because you probably have a reason for making your tool tips the way that they are make a setting in global settings for verbose tool tips and I can even help you write them

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