Material nodes' Color Space is set wrongly.

Issue #1631 invalid
CookItOff created an issue

All the nodes that should have a color space set to “Non-Color Data” i.e. Normal map, roughness, specular, etc are set to “sRGB”, with a weird gamma node right after in the chain, when importing with “Extended Principal”. In Blender, the purple and grey connections should 99% of the time be Non-Color Data.

The image below shows how the material is improperly importing. Everything is sRGB and has a Gamma Node attached.

Comments (5)

  1. CookItOff reporter

    This seems to be an 4.0 issue as the material node load as normal when I try it on 3.6.1

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I’m still using Blender 3.6 since I’m on Win 7 and have to wait for the unofficial release. The gamma nodes are generated in order to avoid loading two copies of the same image, one srgb and one linear. There is an optimization step at the end (“Prune Node Trees” option) that replaces texture + gamma with non-color data, provided that the image is only used in that way. If the image is use in both ways, only the srgb verision is loaded and the gamma node is kept. Probably this step goes wrong because something in Blender 4 changed.

  3. CookItOff reporter

    Thanks Thomas. I’ve seen the trim node feature but wasn’t sure exactly what it may do. Thanks for the tip and I’ll try it out when importing with 4.0.

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