Import animation from same character and add it directly to current action

Issue #1633 resolved
Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz created an issue

OK I've already animated a character and she's already set up in the scene so I would like to go to Daz studio make a new animation on that character and import it directly to the exact same characters action right after the keyframes that are currently visible in the timeline and then I'm gonna do some camera trickery so the animations blend like switch to the other character with the camera and then switch back so the animations go together how do I add the beginning of the new imported actions keyfraames to be at the the exact place on the timeline in the exact action that I want it to be in… Thanks in advance

Comments (8)

  1. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    if it's not possible with normal functionality can you give me a code snippet that would do it

  2. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    OK now when I import an action I uncheck the box that says new action and I would expect that to not create a new action but assume the current action and then when I set my start frame to frame 577 then I would expect that to put whatever keyframes of the action I'm importing on the current action at frame 577 Essentially that's the way it appears it should work based on how you name things so basically I'm trying to import an action and append the keyframes from the action to my current characters action at the desired frame… yeah if there's a code snippet that you would suggest to get it done I'm sure I could figure it out but I would like to go with your design is if this is how you designed it if not that's a definite feature request because I noticed the real world need for that and then when you paste the keyframes in likely the first keyframe of the new keyframes won't match with the last keyframe of the last keyframes so if you design some sort of quick algorithm to morph the characters animation concerning those two keyframes that might be really perfect…

  3. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    If the option “Start at frame 1” is disabled, the animation is added at the current frame instead. I find it convenient to always add new actions at the beginning, but I realize that it makes little sense if the animation is added to an existing action. So now it only applies when “Make New Action” is enabled.

    Btw, the extra .001 is now also added to the new action name if needed.

  4. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    so when I'm reimporting the same character actually any other Genesis 8 because that's kinda how it works can you upgrade DIFFEOmorphic so there's an option on the import action dialog where I could select which animation I wanna add it to and then it just adds it to that specific frame in the animation of my choice...May wanna do a check for morphs… like if the animation contains a fax expressions do a check if fax expression morphs are have been added but if you could add a check box to brute force the animation key frames and then warn you with a self-report .info and then you know warn you to go ahead go to standard morphs and install the missing morphs… I'd much rather if this was brute force maybe you could figure some feature also so it's safer to you know disable the keyframes Of the morphs that were added any ways or you can set you know if keyframes are brute forced then temporarily you can set the timeline start a little bit past or at the point where the brute forced keyframes..end yeah I'd rather have the animation data there and self-report warning of which standard morphs to import that would be easier than just making things not work you know there's a lot of times when you add animations without adding the right morphs for new users they'll just think ohh crap this didn't work and that's it they can't play...

  5. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    I just reread that so I guess that's what it's supposed to do if make new action is disabled and it's supposed to add to the existing action if so I must've did something wrong if that if that was supposed to work…..

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