Parented items offset on import.

Issue #1634 resolved
CookItOff created an issue

This is only happening on one item (Tactical Assault Outfit) from the DAZ store so far. It started around the time you made changes to the arm and shin settings (2 moths ago?) and I hadn’t had time to report as I could easily move the offset items back to their original location.

The issue: Certain parented items are offset when initially importing from DAZ using Diff. In this case it’s the shoulder, elbow, and knee pads, along with the shoe covers.

Blender 3.6.1

Diff 96c9ec99d5ee

Comments (13)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    No, I cannot reproduce this. I have had problems with bone parented objects in the past, but I don’t see anything in the current version. Mesh Fitting set to Unmorphed or DBZ, rigs merged or not, convert to mhx and rigify, all looks good.

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    daz studio, blender 3.6.0, diffeomorphic

    I can confirm that everything works fine here, test scene included assault.duf. You may want to provide a test scene and exact steps to reproduce the issue, as simple as possible.

    my steps:

    1. easy import assault.duf, with daz or mhx rig

    p.s. Also tried with the full armor and works fine, in the test scene I included just the items causing the issue for you.

    p.p.s. I see you tested 3.6.1 that’s the release candidate. Does it work fine for you with 3.6.0, that is, is this specific to 3.6.1 ?

  3. CookItOff reporter

    So working through different variations to troubleshoot I found that when using “Export HD to Blender” in the DAZ menu pulldown (created with the diff menu creation tool) is when the offset happens. If using the standard “Export to Blender” everything loads fine.

    I would like the HD option to work properly as I prefer using this, specifically for Multi-rez modifier versus sub division being loaded.


  4. Alessandro Padovani

    Yes I can confirm that HD export does that, steps as above.

    It also happens with a simple cube parented to a hand.


    1. in daz studio parent a cube to a hand
    2. export HD
    3. import in blender

  5. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    There was some info missing, but that doesn’t seem to be the problem. I noticed that if I select the cube and clear parent inverse, it jumps to the wrong position.

  6. Alessandro Padovani

    As I see it. The standard exporter works fine, this means the HD exporter changes something with hierarchies, that shouldn’t be the case both should use the same code since hierarchies don’t depend on HD. The only difference with HD is we use multires instead of subd.

  7. Alessandro Padovani


    That said it seems the following procedure fixes the bug.

    1. in daz studio load parent-hd.duf and export as HD
    2. in blender import parent-hd.duf, do not merge rigs
    3. select the cube and clear parent, this will place the cube in the right position
    4. parent the cube to the hand bone
    5. merge rigs

  8. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    No, the problem was that the parent inverse matrix wasn’t set for the HD objects. Fixed in last commit.

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