Most of the morphs for Breastacular and Dicktator stop working after merging

Issue #1640 invalid
Calibrator created an issue

I did the same old thing I do every time. Import with favorite morphs, transfer them to grafts, add morphs for grafts, merge and usually they work. There were some weird situations where it didn’t, especially on previous versions. I’m currently latest stable 1.7.0, even reinstalled today and it won’t work. Out of 20 morphs I tested only 3 worked. Values change, mesh doesn’t. Tried 3 times with the same daz export.

Comments (9)

  1. Calibrator reporter

    Under normal circumstances I would probably love this, but at the moment I can't afford to set up favorite morphs inside Daz unless I absolutely have to. Is there no way to fix this other than rolling back to 1.6.2?

    For what it's worth it would be best to have both methods working perfectly.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    So the morphs are imported but they don’t work?

    If you change the sliders, do the corresponding shapekey values change but not the mesh?

    Do the morphs work before you merge geografts?

    There have been reports about problems with some Dicktator morphs, but I don’t think this has anything to do with it, because they didn’t work in 1.6.2 either.

  3. Alessandro Padovani

    To report bugs you have to update to 1.7.1 anyway because there’s lots of fixes there. Then you have to provide a test scene as simple as possible in duf format and the exact steps to reproduce the issue.

    Also, as I understand it, if you load a old 1.6.2 scene in 1.7.1 it’s not granted that everything will work perfectly. The importer is mainly designed to import new scenes from daz studio, while back compatibility with previous versions may be limited. So if you start a project with 1.6.2 then keep it.

  4. Calibrator reporter

    I just tested again and found a few issues.

    They work before merge.

    Nipple Shape 01-25 are stuck in 1 shapekey called “BaseShape” even before merge, weird stuff. Didn’t check every morph tbh.

    After merging Geografts the shapekeys are there without drivers. The “BaseShape” shapekey does some weird thing that it didn’t do before the merge. It seems broken when changed manually from shapekeys.

    Now on to the rest of the conversation here. Dicktator morphs worked for the majority in 1.6.2. I know cause I used it and everyone I know that used it never complained. So did Breastacular cause I use it on every model I port. I can absolutely assure you that this is a new issue in 1.7.0

    Alessandro you misread. I Was gonna use 1.6.2 to port this character if there was no fix. I’ll try 1.7.1 before that.

    Edit : I see what’s going on with the BaseShape morph. Before merging geografts the “Nipple Shape” morph controls multiple morphs. BaseShape is one of them. This is one of the things that breaks after merging.

    Edit 2: Issue is fixed in 1.7.1. However, I doubt it’s actually fully fixed. I just asked another person, no issues with dicktator and breastacular morphs in 1.7.0 stable. In I had no issues. I specifically remember that i had issues in a 1.6.2 version prior to 1277. Now I have it in 1.7.0 stable but not in 1.7.1 . It’s kind of a big issue… If you think I can somehow help let me know. Otherwise I suppose the issue is closed.

  5. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    We discovered a few quite serious bugs in 1.7.0 right after the release, and I think some of them involved geografts. I should have updated the stable version with those bug fixes, but it didn’t happen. Now is the time to freeze development and only fix acute bugs, so 1.7.1 can be released soon.

  6. Calibrator reporter

    All right, that sounds great! I’ll use 1.7.1 for now. Good luck with the release

    Edit: Guess the issue can be closed then?

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