Eye Material Not Working With New Update

Issue #1645 resolved
Shayn Sn created an issue

A new build seems to have broken the eye materials when you use them from a different model on another. It used to work fine a couple of builds prior but something causes the eyes to be messed up now. Please take a look. The eye material is from ScarlET HD for G 8.1. Uploading pictures for how they look now vs how they used to look before

Comments (11)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    daz studio, blender 3.6.0, diffeomorphic

    I can’t reproduce the issue here, I can use materials across figures for example Victoria 8 eyes on G8F or another G8 figure. Be sure to update to 1.7.1 because it includes many bug fixes, then if the issue is not fixed provide exact steps, possibly with common figures as Victoria 8 and G8F so it’s more likely that Thomas has them.

    Unless the issue is specific to a single figure or material.

  2. Shayn Sn reporter

    This issue occurs in both 3.4.1 and 3.6.1 for me with diffeomorphic It was fine before updating to this version.
    I am working with G8.1F and victoria 8 eyes seem to work albeit with a weird white-ish ring around the iris.
    G8.1F Does not work with Victoria 8.1 eyes for me or Scarlet HD 8.1 eyes. It seems to be a matter with 8.1 eye materials in my opinion.
    Attaching pictures of g8.1f with victoria 8.1 eyes (does not work, blueish side)
    and G8.1f with victoria 8 eyes (does work but not appealing to the eye)

  3. Shayn Sn reporter

    Additional Info : I use G8 materials on G8.1 Mesh and the UVs for the face and body are for Base Female 8 while they Eye UV is for Base Female 8.1.
    Perhaps that’s what is causing the problem. It used to work fine just before the past few commits. 8.1 Eyes work well with 8.1 materials but not with Genesis 8 materials it seems.
    The eye effect I’m getting happens when the Sclera and Iris UVs are set to Genesis 8 on an 8.1 mesh. Perhaps the importer is converts the eye UVs from 8.1 to 8 to match the face and body UV

  4. Alessandro Padovani

    Please upload the duf file of G81 with V81 eyes that doesn’t work, I mean with your uv and material modifications, just the materials no custom figure morphs. This will serve as a good reference for Thomas.

  5. Alessandro Padovani

    If you want you can use “more > attach files” instead of google drive.

    bug for Thomas. In this case the G81 figure is using G8 uv maps and materials, while the eyes use G81 uv maps and materials. Please note that G81 in daz studio supports both G81 and G8 uv maps, so it’s not uncommon to have G81 figures wearing G8 materials or a mix of G81 G8 materials.

    The plugin correctly imports both G81 and G8 uv maps, the active uv map is G8 that’s good since the face and body use G8. But then the G81 uv map is not connected to the textures. To fix the issue we have to connect the G81 uv map in the irises pupil and sclera materials.

  6. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Fixed in last commit. All materials are now generated with uvmap nodes. Uvmap nodes associated with the active render are removed in the final pruning step anyway, but if you turn off Prune Nodetrees you can see them.

  7. Alessandro Padovani

    Commit a76f382 fixes the eyes bug but it’s not excellent.

    bug. material preview. That is, the uv map node is not visibile in the material preview, so it should be used only as a second choice if using the texture coordinate is not possible. In this case it is always used. For example if we have a tiled texture it’s not visible in the preview.

    That means essentially, it would be nice/correct to use the texture coordinate for the active uv map if a mapping node is used. Let us know.

  8. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Fixed in last commit. Again, prune nodetree must be enabled because the replacement is done in the pruning step.

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