Help with Dicktator materials

Issue #165 resolved
Chuki Cicha created an issue

Here’s how the dicktator genitalia looks like when rendering with Eevee.

And here’s how it looks when rendering with Cycles:

You can clearly see that in Cycles it looks more “normal”, but what’s up with eevee? Why does it look so different? I know almost nothing about materials, maybe this is not an issue, but I think I can ask for help here

Comments (14)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    I can’t reproduce the issue. May be you just have to update the plugin. Below is what I get with the current development version, first iray then cycles then eevee. Please note that the eevee version is quite reddish but this is expected since eevee can’t handle bsdf volumes so a sss approximation is used that may work fine or not depending on the skin.

    Test scene included. You can use the test scene to verify the results. Of course it requires for you to have G8M and dicktator installed.

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    Please note that the dev version allows two options for materials. The bsdf option is what I used above, it gets full iray materials and works fine with cycles. The principled option gets limited iray materials but works fine both with cycles and eevee. Actually Thomas is trying to make the bsdf option work with eevee too but the results are suboptimal since eevee doesn’t work fine with bsdf nodes, so in my opinion this makes little sense as explained in #154.

    bsdf: cycles only, full iray materials

    principled: cycles and eevee, limited iray materials

    Below there’s the principled version with cycles and eevee. As you see the result for eevee is better than the bsdf option above. But the bsdf option with cycles is the best to get good iray materials as you see above, where the skin matches quite exactly with iray.

  3. Chuki Cicha reporter

    Here’s how I see it with Cycles, I see it like this when setting the viewport shading to Rendered, but I don’t think it will change a lot when actually rendering. So maybe this is a problem with my settings, but I have never changed anything related to rendering, I only do sculpting and animating.

    It looks almost the same with Eevee so It doesn’t matter to put the other img, there was an error of missing resource “/resources/DTHDR-RuinsB-500.hdr”, but I don’t think that’s the problem

  4. Alessandro Padovani

    I fear the missing hdr is exactly the issue you get. If I remember correctly when blender doesn’t find a texture a pink color is used instead. In this case you get a pink environment light. Be sure the shaders folder is included in your path list since this is where the hdr is located.

    I’m using the default hdr provided with daz studio. So you can also add it manually.

  5. Chuki Cicha reporter

    I think I’ve deleted it 😕 What I normally do is just save the scene with no lights, and then I add point lights or something inside blender, and it doesn’t give any errors like this. What indeed happened to me, was that a file that was working perfectly, suddenly when I re-opened it, the textures were gone, they were deleted, I don’t know why, but that’s another story.
    For this issue maybe the problem is something with the textures of the character, I’m using FWSA Gunner’s skin. I’m attaching my .blend file and maybe you can open it and test if it loads correctly for you.

  6. Alessandro Padovani

    Sorry I don’t have the gunner skin set so I can’t test it. Nevertheless, the more complex is the skin the less likely it is to work fine with eevee. In your example cycles works fine so I’m afraid this is the limit you get. As you see in my example the standard G8M materials work quite fine if you select the principled option. Otherwise you need to fix the skin yourself.

    Again be aware that complex shaders are likely to don’t work fine with eevee so if you want to work with eevee try to stay as standard as possible with your characters.

    p.s. To get back the standard daz hdri you just have to download the default resources and install them.

  7. Chuki Cicha reporter

    Okay thanks, I don’t know what to work with really, I’m just starting, I’ve done all the animations but now I have to render them, and it seems I’ll have to work with Cycles then, btw any tip on reducing render time? Or any video I should watch? I’ve never rendered anything in blender.

  8. Alessandro Padovani

    You are lucky because the plugin will automatically adjust the minimal requirements to render your scene both with cycles and eevee. Then the final quality will depend mainly on the number of samples you set. You may try to find a good balance between render time and quality for your system.

    Then to speed up cycles your best friend is the denoiser of course.

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