How to retarget Mixamo animation To MHX or DAZ Rig

Issue #1663 invalid
VEC TOR created an issue

Is there anyway to do this automatically , I have try BVH retarget but it seem not support Mixamo Rig

Comments (7)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    I don’t think that will work fine. The retargeting presets will vary depending on the genesis version, and figures with different proportions will behave differently with the same animation. You really need a retargeting tool I’m afraid. But may be Thomas can give better advice when he’s back on monday.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    If there is a standard Mixamo bone hierarchy all that needs to be done is to add another file to the known rigs directory. That hasn’t been done because I never found a bvh file to test on. If you could upload an example bvh file I could make it work.

    That said, I see on the web that Mixamo doesn’t seem to support bvh files anymore, only various flavours of fbx. In that case there is nothing I can do. The bvh retargeter retargets bvh files but not fbx.

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