Volume issue importing from Blender to Unreal Engine

Issue #1667 invalid
Prenses Karolin created an issue

First of all, I don't know if this problem has anything to do with the plugin, and I'm not sure if this is the right place to write about this problem, but I wanted to write about it in case anyone knows the solution to this problem.
I apologize if this is not the right place.

1: I get the characters from Daz Studio with the Diffeomorphic plugin.
2: I import them into Blender with morphs, MHX armature and extra stuff.
3: Finally, I want to import it into Unreal Engine and make a real-time game (I only have problems with this part)

(The Add-on I used to transfer from Blender to Unreal)

(I also tried the DazToUnreal plugin, but the same problem persists. I also don't want to use that plugin, because I want to customize the characters the way I want in Blender and import them to Unreal that way)

My problem is that when I animate in Blender, I don't have any problem, but whenever I import this animation to Unreal, I have a volume problem.
In Blender, checking the "Preserve Volume" checkbox in the parameters of the Armature Modifier completely solves this problem, but I couldn't find such a feature in Unreal (I searched)

Does anyone have an answer on this? How can I solve this problem completely?
I could solve it with Shape Keys, but that would be incredibly tedious (creating Shape Keys for each animation is like digging in the dirt with a fork)

Can anyone help me if they have encountered this problem before and know the solution?

(As I said above, I'm not sure if this is the right place for this problem, don't get mad at me if it's not. I really couldn't find a solution and wanted to ask you guys).

This is how the character looks in the 'Unreal Engine' engine (the problem is the bulge in the middle)

This is the view of the same pose in 'Blender' (I want to get the result in Unreal Engine engine, like the one on the left, without protrusion).

Comments (5)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    You need dual quaternion to support the “preserve volume“ feature. This is an issue with unreal itself, if you can’t get dual quaternion then your only option is to disable preserve volume in blender and/or use extra shapekeys. Or you may also try the prebend workflow that doesn’t need jcms.



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