Attempting to merge rigs and these rigs don't wanna seem to merge

Issue #1669 invalid
Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz created an issue

it's a glamor biker outfit that I'm using for this example

I packed all my textures and everything into the file so it should be good to go

but I'm attempting to merge some of the clothes rigs that didn't get merged when I imported even though,

I had default settings set and it's still not merging

I would really like to figure this out to where I could get this done

any help is appreciated

I labeled it as a major bug because I think this might affect the quality of your ad on

Comments (7)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    You can force merging all by unchecking “separate characters“ and setting “non-conforming rigs“ to always. The default settings are for common use, since you usually don’t want to merge parented rigs. Then of course for merging the bones must have the same name. If there’s nothing to add you can close as invalid. Rigs

    p.s. When you provide sample files be sure that the EULA allows it, also there’s no need to pack textures if the issue is merging rigs, it only makes the file large for nothing.

  2. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    What does this mean ? When you provide sample files be sure that the EULA allows it,… And thank you so much for helping me with that i'm gonna try and if it works and everything I'll post back but thank you so much i've been wondering about that

  3. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    Now you know more about this than I do if I incorporate this into my code if I detect after I run merge rigs … If I detect there are still rigs ….multiple rigs in the collection that is can I feel comfortable supplying my functionality to an end user if I just set it to automatically run merge rigs with these settings in that case …is this a foolproof thing… If it is I would suggest that maybe you do the same thing just automatically with merge rigs…

  4. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    In what sort of situation would I run into a parented rig just importing characters into blender that I got off the daz studio store…

    Could you provide a code snippet that I may use to where I could detect maybe if there are multiple rigs in a collection after import and then merge them but if they're parented rigs like you suggest then to skip merging because I'm getting the impression that I should not do that then I would like to know more about the situations I may run into parented rigs and how to approach this so I could at least write some sort of good code to automate this process… Any help is appreciated if you're too busy don't worry about it i'll just start analyzing it from this point

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