"Tongue IK Disabled" Error During MHX Conversion

Issue #1670 invalid
Ryan Yang created an issue


I am using Blender v3.6 with the Diffeomorphic addon v1.7.

The DAZ Studio model is Genesis 8.1, with added face control.

Importer setup

I use “Easy import DAZ“ mode:

Convert to MHX

After the import step, I proceed to convert the rig to MHX:

At this point, I encounter an issue:

Upon comparing with other users' setups, I noticed that their tongue rig is a small cube, which is absent in my setup.

Comments (3)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    Yes, if you use the face control rig then the tongue ik can’t be used, because you already drive the tongue with the face control rig, so the error message is correct. I’d also avoid to use face units and facs together, it’s either one or the other.

    If there’s nothing to add you can close as invalid.

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