Add one more button untill generate full rigi-fy by add on (add DAZ face bone)

Issue #168 closed
engetudouiti created an issue

This is really “trival” thing (low priority), but future request about new 2.8 (and some 2.7 versions include) rigi-fy advanced options.

Kindly Thomas have offered way, to keep meta-rig, then divide step to generate final rig, then I can use rig-type options to customize meata-rig, after that, click “rigi-fy meta rig” button of Thomas add on in stead of “rigi-fy” default “generate rig” button.

What I hope is, use new rigi-fy offer “Advanced option” which overwrite current scene rig, or generate new, with name options.

the merit is, when we customize meta-rig options layers,, even though we already generate final rig, we can return meta-rig and customize again, then generate final rig (overwrite). really easy. but we can not use it for DAZ importer. Because final Rigi-fy Rig need to be added DAZ facial bones (with morph drivers)

I do not hope to use rigi-fy facial rig. because DAZ facial bones weight already well, and offer many controll already. (though some widget like eye tracking we can add if we really need it,

But I hope , separate “add face rig” op from “Rigi-fy metarig” then,,

  1. generate meta-rig
  2. customize some rig-type options, and rigi-fy layer (only when user hope it)
  3. generate rigi-fy by Rigi-fy default button

we can return 2 when we need . then when I content with current rig, go last OP “add DAZ face bone”

I know, “add daz face bone” can not be included in “generate meta-rig” easy (though ideally,, set all face bones use “basic.super.copy” with keep driver may offer more rigi-fy compatible, but it seems tedious work by scripts ^^;)

So just hope divide “add-daz face-rig” operation from “Rigi-fy meta rig” with “button” may offer more flexiblity (and compatiblity with default rigi-fy tools)

Comments (3)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Is this issue still open? I think that the new face layers for rigify the problem should be solved.

  2. engetudouiti reporter

    I do not talk it only about face layers (which I offered) as I said, new rigi-fy have advanced option. which can easy return> edit meta-rig, then generate rigi-fy one clcik. (it can auto overwrite or add new rigi-fy)

    So user can improve rig, without re-generate meta-rig. As functiionality,

    I think add new rig layyers in UI si welcom. but it not means so we can use rig-fy advance option.

    what I expect is,

    1. generate mta-rig
    2. convert as rigi-fy
    3. add custom bones etc (for daz customize rigi-fy rig add on offer)

    So if step 3 is separated, we can use advance option for 1 and 2 process.

    then easy return metarig> edit (change options, or add custom boen etc> generate rig fy, more flexiible.

    With out it, advanced option not work. so I requested. but I do not think it is heavy issue , (just reqeust if you can), so if you may not plan to change it, set it as closed as your decision please.

    these weeks I pray with mhx only, so I can not follow or test it carefully, if you changed it.

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