easy import doesn't trasfer jcms to G8 hair

Issue #1685 invalid
Alessandro Padovani created an issue


Again this is only for easy import, the manual transfer works fine.


  1. easy import g8f-basic.duf with jcms
  2. check the hair, there’s no jcms

Comments (3)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Yup, that’s by design. Easy import has three transfer options: to geografts, to clothes, and to face meshes. Hair is neither, because normally we (or at least I) don’t want to transfer shapekeys to the hair. You can easily transfer the shapekeys you want manually afterwards if you want to.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    One can also note that the definition of a face mesh is not very good. A mesh is a face mesh if

    1. It has a “head” vertex group.
    2. The name contains one of the strings ["eyelash", "tear", "brow", "hair cap", "beard"].

    So easy import can be easily fooled, but you transfer manually afterwards.

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