Soft Body is not working for Victoria 9 HD

Issue #1692 invalid
bouich jules created an issue


Just want to confirm, if it’s normal that he soft body is not working for victoria 9 hd?

Thank you,

Comments (7)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    It depends. Soft body is for multires, not true HD.

    If you mean it doesn’t work with true HD then you can close as invalid. Or change as feature request, but true HD is too heavy for simulation so it wouldn’t make much sense.

  2. bouich jules reporter

    not a true HD, just a victoria 9 hd normal export to blender not hd export and not multires i dont use it.

  3. Alessandro Padovani

    blender 3.6.1, diffeomorphic

    Just tried with easy import and works fine here, both with G9F and Victoria 9 HD, both with base mesh and multires. Then if you ask me it makes little sense to export as base mesh since G9 is HD based so you need HD for any mesh detail.

    Be sure to update the addon and do a clean install, then if it doesn’t work provide exact steps.

    my steps:

    1. export G9F or Victoria 9 HD as base mesh or HD
    2. easy import with softbody

  4. bouich jules reporter

    thank you Alessandro, i have same as your screenshot it shows up but it won’t work. i think you didnt try to hide the simulation ( red box visibility) to see that there is no movement.

  5. Alessandro Padovani

    Nope, she giggles fine here. I just play the timeline and the simulation is running as expected. I have no idea what it may be if it doesn’t work for you. You may try to check if you can do a simple simulation with your blender. Or disable all 3rd party addons other than diffeomorphic to check if there’s some conflicts. Or reinstall blender.

    Of course I suppose that no figures work for you. Otherwise if it’s only Victoria 9 HD you may have some specific issue with this figure in your daz library, she works fine here.

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