can't select link bones ?

Issue #1696 resolved
Alessandro Padovani created an issue


I noticed that I can’t select the link bones for poles. That’s good for pose mode, but I can’t select them in edit mode neither, that’s rather odd. If one wants to modify the rig how do we select the link bones ?

Comments (6)

  1. Alessandro Padovani reporter

    minor bug. ik twist.

    There’s a minor bug in simple ik, we don’t want the forearm ik to twist but only to bend. This doesn’t affect anything since the ik twist is not copied to the fk bones, but may affect the ik stability since usually in ik the forearm only bends. Also the names are wrong, that is, forearm and shin “iktwist” should just be named “ForearmIK” and “ShinIK” since they don’t twist anything. Again this doesn’t affect anything but is confusing for anyone who wants to modify the rig, wondering what twist in the name is for.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The only way I know to access a non-selectable bone is through the outliner. Which is quite inconvenient if you want to do it.

  3. Alessandro Padovani reporter

    Ok thank you, I see we can quickly make all bones selectable/unselectable with shift, so no need to search for the bone.

  4. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Sorry, but I don’t understand. The forearm ik bone has ik locks on Y and Z as shown in you picture, so it doesn’t twist. What am I missing?

    The bones have been renamed btw.

  5. Alessandro Padovani reporter

    Commit 2937847 works fine.

    I don't know, I can confirm the IK lock is fine, tried various combinations but I can't reproduce the issue it must have been some confusion of mine. Thank you for the fix and your patience.

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