Foot bone affects Dicktator's foreskin

Issue #1702 invalid
Prenses Karolin created an issue

I use the G9 character and the Dicktator, but the bones of the foot affect the circumcision skin of this penis.
When the foot bone is rotated, the foreskin moves back and forth.

I have checked the weights and constraints of the bones of the foot and there does not seem to be any problem, but interestingly the foreskin is affected by the rotation of the foot bone.

I think this problem is related to the morphs added to dicktator, because when no special morph is added, there is no problem with the foreskin. I only added the attached 2 morphs.

Also, morphs like foreskin are not added to the Morph panel of the plugin. They are added to the body as Shapekey.
I couldn't transfer them to the panel.

Comments (15)

  1. Prenses Karolin reporter

    "body_cbs_shin_x155p_l" and "body_cbs_shin_x155p_r"
    "body_cbs_shin_x90p_l" and "body_cbs_shin_x90p_r"
    I found that the problem was caused by these 4 shapekeys.
    When I disable, it does not affect the foreskin.

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    May be there’s some name clash, when using geografts you have to set “suffix = geografts“ to avoid morphs driving each other. Personally I’d use “suffix = geografts” as default, but Thomas prefers “smart“.

  3. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    No, I cannot reproduce this. The four body_cbs_shin shapekeys don’t change when I rotate the foot bone, but I have to bend the shin bone as the names suggest. The influence of these shapekeys end at the middle of the thighs, so they don’t reach the genitals.

    It might be helpful to Visualize Shapekeys in the Advanced Panel > Morphs panel to see the region of influence of each shapekey.

  4. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I also noticed a design flaw of the favorite morphs. I cannot use your attached json file, because the file paths to the favorite morphs are stored as absolute paths, so they only work on your computer.

  5. Noel Lang

    Yea, absolute paths in the favorite morphs is a frustrating limitation when I’m switching installs. Would be a nice quality of life addition to change that.

  6. Alessandro Padovani

    note. possible design flaw for transfer shapekeys.

    If I understand correctly, the actual implementation transfers shapekeys based on bounding box of the source influence area plus eventual pruning of the destination if the transferred values are small. This leads to transfer of shapekeys to any mesh that’s “close enough” to the source influence, like a magnet.

    For example if the figure wears a loose outfit or a cape, or holds tools or weapons, or long hair. Everything not strictly “tight“ fails the actual implementation I’m afraid. Another thing could be prebended figures or custom figures or geografts not necessarily genitalia. If we import a custom figure the hands could be close to the trousers for example, or close to the cape, do we transfer hands jcms to trousers and cape just because they’re close ?

    Again, at least for jcms, I believe we should check the bones instead of the bounding boxes. If the target doesn’t get the bone vertex group then the jcm is not transferred. It makes little sense to transfer jcms to a target that doesn’t get bones for it. We could restore the option for “only vertex groups“ that will work better for close meshes without bones or with different bones.

    I know we already discussed this, but the more I think of it the less I’m convinced that using “magnets“ for jcms is fine.

    note. workaround. Once we’re aware that anything close will transfer, a possible workaround for complex cases is to transfer manually using masks. There’s the option “selected verts only“ to allow this. @Prenses Karolin For example deselecting the foreskin area will make sure that no morphs are transferred there.

  7. Alessandro Padovani

    note. import daz morph as shapekey. The dicktator foreskin uses ERCs so you can’t use it with IK rigs as MHX. That is, ERCs can only be used with the daz rig, and are implemented as a trick because blender doesn’t support morphed armatures. One workaround is to import the foreskin morphs as shapekeys, instead of using ERCs.

    import daz morph as shapekey:

    1. in daz studio trigger the morph then export as obj
    2. import in blender then join as shapes

  8. Prenses Karolin reporter

    I tried another foreskin movement morph and it worked fine. I think I can use new found morph.

  9. Prenses Karolin reporter

    Foreskin is not really necessary for me, I just use the foreskin in animations to give a little bit of movement.
    I just wanted to share because I came across this bug. I love this plugin and I always share it when I come across bugs (to support the developer)

  10. Alessandro Padovani

    To report a bug it is necessary to also report the exact steps to reproduce it, possibly making the case as simple as possible to help identify the bug. If the bug can’t be reproduced then it is likely to be a user error of any kind.

  11. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Favorite morphs are now saved with local paths. Both local and absolute paths work when loading them.

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