MHX Limits ON

Issue #1704 resolved
Alejandro Huerga created an issue

Hi again and thank you for all the progress you’re doing here.

I was trying to find a way to the MHX rig to respect the rotation limits that Daz skeleton has for default but couldn’t find a way. This would be awesome to pose characters respecting those limits.

Can you please add that option to the MHX conversion?

Thank you!

Comments (6)

  1. Alejandro Huerga reporter

    I could manually copy the limits from that to MHX FK bones, but what I really need is to have the limits ON during IK

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    The thing is, IK is different than FK. The daz rig is FK and has limits intended for FK. For example the G8 shin has bend twist and side-side, but a IK rig will require the shin to only have bend. Also IK requires quaternions for free joints as shoulders and hip, where limits can’t apply.

    In general if you want limits then you work with the daz rig. Once you convert to a IK rig you lose the limits. Also because otherwise snapping may not work fine if FK and IK limits can’t match for any reason.

    Also, consider that even for the daz poses most of the time limits are removed, so makes little sense to use them anyway.

  3. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Limits for most bones were kept, but they were lost for the fk bones. Now they are generated by combining the limits of the bend and twist bones.

    As Alessandro says, limits don’t work that well with ik. However, it was easy to implement so I added ik limits as an option “IK Limits”, but it is disabled by default. Note that the “Improve IK” option also changes ik locks and limits, so if both are enabled the result may not be what you expect.

  4. Alejandro Huerga reporter

    Hey thank you so much for the update! I’m seeing something nice here!

    What I’m trying to do is to create poses with IK that could be exported and used in Daz Studio. That’s why I wanted the limits to be ON all the time, otherwise when transferring the pose it changes a lot, so posing in Blender is not so useful.

    With the new update I see the limits acting in some bones, but not in the wrist and ankles, what actually causes most of the incompatibility then. Snaping everything to FK kinda helps, but maybe you can find a way to make it work as indented easily 💖

    Hope you want to spend a little more time on this, thanks!

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