bpy.ops.daz.import_pose affectObject expected True/False or 0/1, not str

Issue #1706 resolved
Noel Lang created an issue

This seems to be a documentation mistake (something has changed?). affectObject parameter for bpy.ops.daz.import_pose() states:

affectObject (enum in ['OBJECT', 'MASTER', 'NONE']) - How to animate global object transformation

However, this results in TypeError: Converting py args to operator properties: DAZ_OT_import_pose.affectObject expected True/False or 0/1, not str

Setting it to True/False or 0/1 works fine.

Comments (4)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The docs have been regenerated. The affectObject option is now split into two: affectObject and useMaster.

    If the documentation is out of date you can alway hover over the options in Blender and read the tooltip.

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