Function which may useful to adjust rig in blender (request)

Issue #172 closed
engetudouiti created an issue

Sorry low priority request ^^;

But I often hope to get shape variation without many work in daz. and use same character and rig.

I know we can not “auto adjust rig” in blender, (and I may not hope it,,) But I sometimes tweak import body in blender.. We can not drive edit-bone with shape key,, it is blender limits, Then I simply try to edit rig bones as I need which fit to current mesh flow.

Then sometimes, when adjust rig , many drv bones took more time to adjust rig correctly. Add on auto generate those drv bones ,and basically child bones to move free. So what I hope is,

  1. edit rigs in edit mode (adjust tip, head roll manually in blender) without drv bone
  2. click “auto adjust drv bones” it may copy and paste child (free or deform) bones transform value to drv bones.

So I do not need to care, when edit bones,, multi select drv bone and defrom bone, at same time, or confirm if drv bones not move, but only deform bones edit,, etc etc..

I assume,, most of (or all?) drv bones need to set same transfrom value, (tail, head, roll) as child defrom bones. so it may not so difficult, to add script in advacne rig category,

(it not for meta-rig or rigi-fy,, simply adjust bone for current shape which user made.

eg I may plan,,

1 make 1 character,, popo

2. save current rig edit-bones transform values as rig-template (name popo-rig.json)

3 add new character shape key it slightly change her full body and face with use shape key then set the new shape key as koko.

4.. I may edit bones in blender edit mode for koko shape

5, I click “ adjust drv bones.”

6. I may save current edit-bones transform values as new rig template. (name koko-rig.json)

6. when I use koko,, I use current rig. when I use popo,, I re-load my saved rig setting (it only include tarnsformed bones value only)

To achive it,, I hope,,2 new funciton as rig utility.

save and load rig-template system (json). + auto adjust drv bones to deform bones.

(when load rig set, it only change edit-bones tarnsfrom when there is same bone-name.. )

Though it may not auto-adust rig, but make some variation, without re-import full character, I believe. then basically it should work,, for atached clothing.

(Though we may use add on offered tool to adjust clothing shape, for current shape, but character rig is only one., then may keep all drv as same as before,,when we carefully edit for new shape)

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