Morphs imported after graft merge don't work

Issue #1722 invalid
Hdhd Ebjsej created an issue

I’m able to import morphs after the graft is merged, but when I move the slider the value increases but nothing happens.

Am I doing something wrong?

Note: They work completely fine when importing before merging.

Comments (6)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    Please report the exact steps to reproduce the issue, your description is too much generic. Also be sure to update to the 1.7.2 development version.

    Usually you have to import morphs before merging grafts, because merging changes the geometry. But there’s an option “import to modified meshes“ in global settings to allow importing morphs after merging, I never used it myself.

    Also importing custom morphs is not that easy you have to know exactly what you’re doing. It is much easier to use daz favorites. Import DAZ

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