missing lip texture?

Issue #173 closed
philip tm created an issue

can someone help me fix this? all textures work fine except for the lip texture and i can't find out why

Comments (17)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    That’s a preview so may be limited depending on the material settings. Does the render work fine with eevee and cycles ?

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    The picture above it’s again a preview. Please check the render. If you don’t know the difference between preview and render then you may want to learn at least some blender basics before attempting anything.

  3. engetudouiti

    Material preview auto use Eevee render engine,

    with your current node set-up. Then it should same

    with Eevee render. (though we can not set render setting in material preview mode,)

    Then I almost confirm if it not work for Eevee

    SSS RGB color auto ignored.

    I do not use add on set-up, but manually change them, so do not know current shader try to auto convert between Eevee and Cycles.

    But I have seen some up-date for SSS for Eevee and cycles compatible. so you may try to see with render view. Plug in may get render engine setting to swithc shader nodes. so if you keep it as cycles. but in material view, Blender show Eevee render, but plug in get render engine as cycles. so change SSS node may not work.

  4. engetudouiti

    A real simple easy correction for Eevee SSS, just use almost same color (image) of diffuse, use for SSS color. Eevee only take the Subsurface color value (and mix weight) so if you hope to see SSS , you need to tweak subsurface color .

    on the other hand cycles use SSS RGB scale, how scatter each color component. (so I like to tweak it, to get skin what I need)

    but unfortunately, Eevee or material view , never use RGB scale (RGB) setting (eevee just use default value of RGB scale, our input value is ignored.

  5. engetudouiti

    And if you still see problem, I recommend show your nodes set up (you do not need to change view mode)

    because I do not know how your current shader are composed for your pretty character lips ^^

    If you show your set-up,, I almost confirm, you can get more useful infomation with your current shader set-up. (eg I do not know the sss are made by Principled shader include SSS or,, blender SSS BSDF (it include global scale too)

  6. Alessandro Padovani

    @engetudouiti As for the viewport shading eevee and lookdev are two different things. In your picture I guess you are using cycles since that setup won’t work in eevee. While Philip is using lookdev and that’s probably why he gets white lips.

  7. engetudouiti

    Alessandro, if you use material preview, it use Eevee render engine.

    Material Preview

    Render the 3D Viewport with Eevee and a HDRI environment. This mode is particularly suited for previewing materials and texture painting. You can select different lighting conditions to test your materials.

    l think lookdev mode is old naming of the view mode. but after all it use Eevee as render engine for viewport.

    So as I said, he use Eevee for viewport render (he attivate material view)

    And yes I use cycles. you need not guess. because I set SSS scale RGB in my pic.

    and I already mentioned, why his lips lost color with Eevee render, I suppose his setting for SSS is cycles , but material view show Eevee render. then it happen.

  8. Alessandro Padovani

    As far as I know lookdev (aka material preview) is a simplified version of eevee, so the results you get are different. If they would be the same then there’s no reason to get lookdev and eevee as separate options.

    If you switch the render engine to eevee you get the full eevee features.

    If you use lookdev you get the simplified eevee features.


  9. engetudouiti

    Of course Material veiw may not offer light setting etc, but I do not call material view as lock dev mode.

    and his pic show he use “material view” then why lip not show texture color. I almost confirm,, it is because his current node setting is not for “material view” = “Eevee”. so I think even though he render image with set “Eevee”,, the character lip lost color.

    And I know reason. so I recommend to show shader node. with keep material view. I think I can help what is wrong for “material veiw”

  10. Alessandro Padovani

    I believe I understand what you mean now. Also thank you for your comments since they made me look better at lookdev and eevee. You are very often a source of improvement to me.

  11. engetudouiti

    Alessandro I believe you know what cause issue or differende Eevee shader and cycles for Subsurface. Because you discribed about it in another topic.

    Subsurface RGB

    I sometimes see same issue. but it is because my node set-up for cycles. so do not know many about current shader setting of add on , and it depend which option the user used.

    But if plug in simply can not atach texture only for material view, it is beyond my knowledge. and sometimes the material view need many-time to load textures when render engine set as cycles (for final render)

    Maybe Thomas worry about us, why these 2 guys often start private reply as if they against,,, ^^; sorry it is my fault.

  12. Alessandro Padovani

    LOL .. On the contrary I feel these discussions among us are very useful, at least to me. I also do love the japanese culture from entertainment to food to history to philosophy, so it is always some sort of enjoyment to me to speak with you or japanese people in general.

  13. engetudouiti

    I think you are lucky, if you know good japanese . anyway I am really stupid and stuboorn guy who like tweak 3d figure,, (mainly for adult purpose ^^;) so hope you do not think, I represent some japanese mind etc .

  14. Alessandro Padovani

    Well a little stubborn it may be but definitely not stupid at all. You’re very clever and it is a major resource to have you here.

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