pelvis bone in rigify custom layer ?

Issue #1733 resolved
Alessandro Padovani created an issue

The pelvis bone appears in the rigify custom layer. Apparently it does nothing since there’s no pelvis weightmap. I guess it’s a leftover in the rigify conversion.


  1. import G8
  2. convert to rigify

Comments (4)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The pelvis is not part of the standard rigify armature, so it is a custom bone from that point of view. So are the eyes, ears and pectorals (why don’t I see them on you picture?). But these bones are not custom from the daz pov, so they are moved to the head and torso tweak layers now.

  2. Alessandro Padovani reporter

    Commit f23e9d4.

    There’s no pectorals in my picture because you moved them in the tweak layer. Personally I move pectorals in the torso layer, and hide teeth carpals tarsals since they’re not intended for animation. But I understand others may have different needs.

    Again, the pelvis does nothing, if you try to move it nothing is affected, because it is a deform bone but has no weightmap assigned. You may want to hide it, unless I miss something.

    Let me know so I’ll close.

  3. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The pelvis and the other bones you mentioned are now located on the hidden layers 30,31,32. The carpals (renamed to DEF-palm) bones can be posed with the palm bones on the Fingers layer, but that’s how Rigify works.

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