Importing Errors (Blender 3.6.3)

Issue #1736 resolved
CookItOff created an issue

Characters don’t load with the latest build of Diff. (26cac7bfc866).

Sorry for the multiple images. Bitbucket isn’t showing me a preview of attached images to modify.

Comments (7)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    diffeomorphic, blender 3.6.3 RC, windows 10 22H2

    I can’t reproduce the issue here, you may want to provide exact steps. Also I noticed you don’t rename the folders, that’s not good. Then the issue could be limited to Mac OS and if so it could be a blender bug that you may want to report to the blender guys. I can’t test on Mac OS. the Blender add-ons

    The folder names for the addons should be "import_daz" and "mhx_rts". This is especially important to install other addons referencing diffeomorphic, as the alembic importer by Donald and the HD importer by Xin. Unfortunately the bitbucket distribution names the folders to something like "diffeomorphic-import_daz-<release number>" that's not good, so you need to rename the folders by hand.

    p.s. The pictures on Bitbucket are not visible in the preview but they’re there when you publish, moving the cursor reveals the picture placeholder.

  2. CookItOff reporter

    Update to this bug. This seems to only affect HD exports for me. If I use the standard “Export to Blender” then everything imports fine into Blender.

    Note: I would prefer to use “Export HD to Blender” as Muti-Res shows so much more detail compared to SubServ when using an HD mesh.

    Thanks guys!


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