Geograft not affected by morphs

Issue #1738 invalid
Hdhd Ebjsej created an issue

I imported the breast control morphs and then merged the graft. But when applying the morphs the graft isn’t being affected. The graft remains in the same position.

Comments (5)

  1. Hdhd Ebjsej reporter

    Thanks that worked, I selected graft instead of nearest face in transfer shape keys menu so it didn't work.

  2. Hdhd Ebjsej reporter

    Also regarding the seam issue when merging grafts, the smoothing modifier has varying degrees of success in the grafts I tried it in.

    Sculpting using the invert crease at .5 strength right along the graft outline, smooths it out it almost seems perfect.

    Since we already have the graft vertex group, is it possible to create a script which will automatically sculpt along those vertices to smooth out the crease?

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