MHX or DIFFEO new commit cause a freeze and crash

Issue #1766 invalid
bouich jules created an issue


I just discovered a huge problem, i am not sure if it’s diffeo plugin or the mhx but for some of my files the last commit cause my blender to freeze then make my blender crash and the CDM giving this error

please note it’s under investigation i dont know if its diffeo or mhx, and previous version works fine!

Comments (3)

  1. bouich jules reporter

    I uninstalled the plugin and also blender then re-installed seems to be ok.

    i will re-open if the issue happen again.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I sometimes see this kind of error when I open a saved blend file. The file typically didn’t have any problems before saving it, nor have I noticed any problems after the file was opened. If I save the file again and reopen, the errors are usually not there. But that is of course not an option if Blender crashes.

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