meta-rig setting For rigi-fy better conversion

Issue #177 resolved
engetudouiti created an issue

At current I main use rigi-fy rigs , then can offer some feed back which actually improve generated-rig posing. So I feel when Thomas concentrate rigi-fy rig, add some steps untill generate- meta-rig. it is not difficult at all. just need to set 4 limbs options (you aleady do for fingers rig-type)

What I confrimed were, for each meta-rig limb rig type, we should not use “Automatic” option to set “Rotation axis” .

at current plug in mainly use default option to generate meta-rig for limbs, Rotation axis = “Automatic”. I did not clear remember, but I know these option have been added, for user who do not like to set main pose axis (roll) by themselfs, but hope to auto set.

But actually if you set main pose axis correctly, rigi-fy do not auto-set, but keep current bone roll, then try to generate IK chain. I suppose.

If you set Rotation axis as manuall, (X orientation) generate rigi-fy rig show more good pose for many case with IK. and it show more reasonable angle for Widgt too. because they along with current bone roll (pararell or vertical) . To solve issue we need only 2 step.


Only r and l hand bones meta-rig need to change roll to work it. (Though I suspected,, but it seems true) , It is not plug in fault, but just rigi-fy meta-rig need to use same axis direction for hands as Arm limbs, to set-up rig.

At current plug-in seems generate,, hand axis direction, same as fingers. (I think it is reasonable as main pose direction, but for rigi-fy IK chain, it seems not good, at least for Rigi-fy Widgt.

After all when generate meta-rig,, the bone roll need to set like this. (It seems better not show my custom table, because Thomas can easy adjust in code, to get final arrangement..)

So this pic hand roll is correct for rigi-fy.

I confirm, (without I miss something) current generate rig not set hand bone angle like this.

So if we set main local axis as “X” (we need it ) for limbs.super_limb , we need to set hand local axis like this pic. or rigi-fy generate hand widgt for IK pose,, twist 90 degree.

STEP2) after change r and l hand roll as my pic (I hope Thomas will modify it,, or I manualy change roll like this for hands only)

we need to set meta-rig bone property for “limbs.super_limb” about arms and legs. You may see many options, but real important (what I could confirm) options, are

For arms.

1.Rotation axis =” Xmanuall

2. Activate “Auto align hand (It may depend your current rest pose, so I think we need not set it, (depend user)

Other options (change layer, or add other pivot options) depend on you. (I like to add all pivot, but it may add more widgt and you may not like it, in veiw)

For legs, we need to set

1.Rotation axis =” Xmanuall

2. Activate “Auto align foot (It may depend your current rest pose, so I think we need not set it, (depend user)

I can confrim, if I set Rotation axis as “X manuall”for leg, it really improve IK pose about under body and legs.

(About Auto Align foot, show pro and con for me,, it force to generate widgt world holizontial. so it ignore rest pose I suppose)

I often see, when I just put down torso, with IK legs,, my character knee cross inward strange way. (So I suppose bone chain angle decide it) (and it is not epxected, my rig roll flow)

But after I set Rotation axis as “X manuall”generate rigi-fy,, my actor can easy Excercise (Squat) I may offer 2 pics later.

(Edit about Auto Align option, it seeme not must option (pro and con), so I may recommend only set X manuall for rotation, and depend on user, about Auto align option)

Comments (7)

  1. engetudouiti reporter

    This is Rigi-fy pose when I use plug in default. (not generate meta-rig etc)

    I just put down torso, to squash with IK bend. but knee cross strange way.

    (Though my leg rool angle is not set so)

    Then I generate-meta-rig,, from same actor, and adjust rig-type propertys as I mentioned. (STEP1, STEP2), it clear improve pose without adjust knee.

    And almost same thing should happen about IK chain arms, and widgt (eg hand widge) show angle more correctly (along to your hands) or default rig generated widgt slightly show worng direciton. to work it, I need to change bone Roll for hands, as STEP. (so Orientation X manuall set work correctly)

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I had rotated the hand rolls, but then I noticed that the limits were much wider for the Z axis, so it should be the primary bend axis. Now the hand rolls are back were rigify needs them to be, and the rotation mode has been changed to YXZ instead. The two superlimb options are also set.

  3. engetudouiti reporter

    Hi thanks yes as you said, actually I think your way is correct about default rig (and as main axis,, hand should be bend not side-side) , At same time I felt,, it may happen when I check meta-rig (default) which blender offer. I suppose it may only need when rigi-fy use “X orientaiton” for arm main rotation.

    So if you think, it is not good as default rig, I may ask if you change hand roll only for meta-rig.

    Anyway for rigi-fy meta-rig, Rotation axis =” Xmanuall” work better. (so it not try to auto-adjust, but use generated meta-rig roll) then to use the option, we need to change hand roll (though it is not un-expected,,) about meta-rig.

    About other rig options, (auto follow hand, or auto align) I need more test, and I hope to know it work for others or not.

  4. engetudouiti reporter

    Wao you do more than what I expected,, so now I can choose option, when generate meta-rig . Then I confirmed, the auto align option actually effect how widigt locate.

    I like without auto-align method. so widgt along to my shoes . like this pic.

    so I recommend, maybe we may need not activate it. (though I did not notice it before)

    (In this generate rig, I did not activate the Auto align as rig-option) , then as I said it can show better pose (by manuall-X)

    Anyway thanks you offer smart UI ^^; I really hope to know how you make those clean menu with options.

  5. engetudouiti reporter

    If current roll setting effect default rig, I hope you keep it, but only change hand roll for meta-rig rig-fy. (so both rig can use best option for each purpose I feel)

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