Baked Morph Shape and Extended Principled easy import seems to be broken.

Issue #1779 resolved
Maneki created an issue

In the newest daz importer version it seems to be broken importing a character with baked in morphs. When I try to get the character in Blender, I get a error and the face mesh rig is separated from the body mesh rig. Importing a character without baked in morphs and using BDSF it works but when I try the same with extended principled I get error and the mesh doesn’t load at all. Is the current version tested with 4.0 beta only? And: Is it supposed to be backwards compatible?

First image is the first issue, second image the second issue:

Comments (9)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    blender 3.6.4, diffeomorphic

    Here I can import Victoria 9 dbz extended principled without any error. I used the G9 presets which include daz favorites and baked correctives. The import process takes a while but this is expected since G9 is quite heavy, you can open the system console to check what’s going on. You may want to give the exact steps to reproduce the issue.

    my steps:

    1. easy import Victoria 9 with G9 presets, extended principled

  2. Maneki reporter

    I tried the same by just loading in Vic9, I changed nothing else. The baked morph works there so I assume it’s just this breast product for some reason. The extended principled still doesn’t work. Like I said, no changes and just a blank Vic9 character and I get the 2nd error above. I still use 3.6.1 because of K-Cycles and diffeomorphic

  3. Alessandro Padovani

    Did you try 3.6.4 ? There’s many bugs in 3.6.1 that were fixed in later versions, I get no errors for principled here. Or you may want to use 3.3 LTS that's more stable than 3.6.1.

  4. Maneki reporter

    I narrowed down the extended principled issue: It happens if “Alternative SSS” is checkmarked.

  5. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The subsurf bug has been fixed.

    The second bug is that property names are limited to 63 characters. I didn’t check for that before. Now property names are truncated to 57 characters (so the corresponding final prop is at most 62 characters) in many places, including the one which caused your error. However, there may still be places where too long property names cause errors.

  6. Maneki reporter

    Importing a character with those baked morphs, importing the morphs manually and using extended principled with “Alternative SSS” seems to work now, thank you Thomas!

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