Import DAZ Favorites doesn't work on Futalicious.

Issue #1783 resolved
Indulge Me created an issue

I have favourited some morphs on a futalicious graft and exported to Blender. With the graft mesh selected, before mesh merge (but after merging rigs) Import DAZ Favorites is a NOP. It thinks for a short while but there are no shapes loaded. This is not the case with the favourited morphs on the main character mesh. If I manually add custom morphs, shapes are also not applied. Same problem (I checked by looking on the DAZ Runtime tab and clicking the Morphs panel - it’s empty). There is no error shown in the UI or scripting.

Again as before it is probably an issue between chair and desk., a Genesis 8.0, non-HD export.

Comments (15)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    diffeomorphic, blender 3.6.4

    bug. transfer with merge geografts. In easy import there’s issues transferring morphs with merge geografts. Without merge geografts it works fine. Test scene provided gp.duf, it’s golden palace with glutes morphs as daz favorites, which seem to confuse the addon.


    1. easy import the test scene gp.duf with the settings below, in particular daz favorites and merge geografts

    p.s. @Indulge, apart the bug above geograft morphs work fine for me, if I don’t merge with easy import everything seems to work fine. You may want to report exactly what morphs don’t work. Then in general it is expected that some complex morphs may not work fine in blender, if this is the case you can always bake as obj then import in blender as a custom shapekey.

    p.p.s. @Indulge, in any case to report bugs you have to update to 1.7.2 first, since there’s many improvements and bug fixes over 1.7.1.

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    Commit 673c09c works fine, thank you for the fix. I tried many morphs and had no issues. If @Indulge has nothing to add we can close as resolved.

  3. Indulge Me reporter

    Let me ask a question then, as I have your attention for a brief moment. I am not using Easy Import, mostly because of the favourite issue. If I get the latest 1.7.2 or perhaps the working copy and I use Easy Import with DAZ Favourites checked, it will import favourited morphs to the main figure and also favourites on the grafts (it’s Futalicious and Cocky Clackers, i.e. the graft has a graft)?

  4. Indulge Me reporter

    OK I tried it out and it worked well ( Some Futalicious morphs don’t work however. I favourited Flacid Preset Base and it does nothing in Blender. I think it’s not a vertex morph though, it’s bone transforms. Perhaps this is what the new Shaft Winder does…

    Anyway something that I always do on a character is add spline IK to Futalicious. You know, 3 new bones, 3 hooks, a spline. Something like that would be nice to have. It’s not too hard to add manually though.

  5. Alessandro Padovani

    diffeomorphic, blender 3.6.4

    The flacid preset works fine here, you don’t even need ERCs, just easy import with daz favorites. As for ik there’s the shaft ik in the new 1.7.2 mhx, but it will disable the morphs because ik can’t work with morphs, it’s either one or the other you choose.

  6. Indulge Me reporter

    Something I noticed is the import didn’t merge the rigs on the futalicious graft and cocky clackers. As a consequence my spline IK doesn’t work correctly. I have two bone chains from shaft root. Did I make a mistake or is that not something Easy Import can handle?

  7. Alessandro Padovani

    I don’t have the clackers so can’t tell. From what I see on the promo page it is a product for dforce so you probably have to delete the dforce things before exporting.

  8. Indulge Me reporter

    No it’s not for dForce. It has dForce components. I manually added it, which just adds the graft, none of the dForce related stuff. It works fine in Blender if I do manual import and merge all the rigs and meshes myself.

  9. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I don’t have the clackers either, but here are some ideas.

    1. Easy import only merges child rigs to its parent, but you can merge arbitrary rigs manually. Both futa and clackers must be children of the main figure.
    2. Rigs with bone parents are not merged, unless Non-conforming rigs is set to Always.
    3. I’m not sure if grandchildren rigs are merged with their grandparent.
    4. The figures must be visible in DS.

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