HD Export. Wrong UV map issue?

Issue #1790 resolved
Johny created an issue

Thanks for awesome tool!

It is looks like the whole body textures applied on my character head, and i character eyes loses its texture.
I have this bug almost every time im trying to export my models from DAZ via HD Export.
Default export (not HD) works well, without any problems.

Plugin version: 1.7.2
Blender version: 3.6.4

Can you please help me to figure out where is might be a problem?

Comments (13)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Could you tell us which character this is. In part G8F and G8.1F have different UV maps and textures, perhaps they are mixed up.

  2. Johny reporter

    I applied skin texture from another GF8.1 model, and now i cant see any problems.
    Is it possible for me to use GF8 textures?

  3. Alessandro Padovani

    commit d269bb8, blender 3.6.4

    bug. wrong uvmap with HD. The issue happens when there’s a G81 figure wearing G8 materials. If we save as HD then the wrong uv map is active in blender. Saving as base resolution works fine.


    1. save as HD the test scene v81.duf, it’s Victoria 8.1 wearing G8 materials
    2. import in blender


    1. we can set as active uv map “base female“, this fixes the issue

    p.s. The HD importer also adds the “Mesh“ suffix to everything, this is fixed in the base importer but not for HD.

  4. Alessandro Padovani

    Commit d8a24b2 works fine thank you for the fix. If Johny has nothing to add we can close as resolved.

    p.s. Would be nice to remove the “mesh” suffix same as base res, but this is minor.

  5. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The “ Mesh” ending is removed from HD objects, and only retained when the mesh name would collide with the rig name.

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