Golden Palace for Genesis 9 not working correctly with JCMs/CBSs

Issue #1804 invalid
Iago Monteiro created an issue

When I import a Genesis 9 model with Golden Palace Genitalia, at first the genitalia works correctly, moving alongside the body should I move the legs. However, once the standard JCM morphs (apparently now called CBSs) are loaded into Genesis 9, the meshes mismatch and separate once the leg is moved.

I loaded onto the genitalia the CBSs morphs I found at: data\Meipex\GoldenPalace_Genitalia_G9\G9GoldenPalace_Graft\Morphs\meipex\Base .

Also loaded onto Genesis 9 the CBSs morphs I found at: data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 9\Base\Morphs\meipex\GoldenPalace .

These have alleviated the issue but not solved it. You can see the end result in the image below.

Also included .blend file for convenience.

Comments (9)

  1. Iago Monteiro reporter

    Took a closer look and found the following shapekeys were missing, despite having loaded their morph files more than once:

    Missing from Genitalia:

    Missing from Body:

    I get no error when trying to load them, they just won’t load. Or maybe they just aren’t supposed to create shapekeys for some reason?

    Even then, I don’t think they’re the source of the issue because if I rotate Genesis 9’s leg in a very similar way in Daz, these morphs listed above stay at 0% but the model and genitalia work fine, so I believe they aren’t needed to correct the mesh for that specific movement/rotation.

    Also tried morphing armature after moving the character, but no avail.

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    I don’t use G9 in blender because she’s way too heavy. But in general custom morphs are not so easy to use, in some cases they have mixed components in the geograft and the body that need to work together. You can try with easy import and daz favorites that should deal fine with it.

    Also in the picture it seems you didn’t merge the geograft.

  3. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I notice that you have used geometry nodes to merge geografts. That is some experimental code that IMO does not work so well. If I delete the nodes modifier (called “Geografts”) from G9 and then merge geografts with the default settings, the mesh holds together.

  4. Iago Monteiro reporter

    Indeed, if meshes are merged the old way it holds together. I believe the issue has been solved, albeit not how I expected.

  5. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    OK, I managed to merge the geograft with geometry nodes. Here is what I did.

    1. Enable Simplify and set the max number of subdivisions to 0. The rig becomes very unresponsive if there are subdivisions.
    2. Remove the action and clear pose.
    3. Advanced Setup > Morphs > Remove All Morphs with the rig selected.
    4. Import the JCMs to the body mesh again.
    5. Transfer shapekeys to the geograft, with Ignore Rigidity enabled. Rigidity groups slows down the transfer terribly. I didn’t write that code myself and it should be using numpy if possible.

    Then the mesh holds together when I pose it, but not when I disable Simplify and allow subdivisions. It seems that the subsurf modifier on the geograft has to be removed. The body subsurf is ok, even if it drags down performance.

  6. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Now I have checked with another character, and the graft subsurf modifier is indeed removed when you merge with geonodes. So I have no idea why it is there in your file.

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