Proposal for using Mixamo animations with the BVH retargeter plugin

Issue #1814 resolved
jeroen b created an issue

It is possible to use Mixamo animations for MHX, either by using a retarget addon or manually. Both methods require quite a lot of time consuming monkey work though.

I was wondering if it would be possible for the BVH retargeter to use .bvh files that are user created by simply exporting a Mixamo fbx file to a .bvh file?

Included .bvh file created in Blender from an imported Mixamo.fbx, exported to .bvh using default Blender settings.

Comments (6)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Mixamo support added. I noticed that all bone names in the bvh file start with “mixamorig:”, otherwise the bone names are pretty standard. Do all files exported with Mixamo have such bonenames, or can the part before the colon change?

  2. jeroen b reporter

    Wow, that’s quick Thomas, great!

    Concerning youre question, I am no Mixamo expert but as far I know, the bones are always named thesame.

    Will test this later today, thanks again!

  3. jeroen b reporter

    Testing turned out that the hipbone transformation is not very good, I got better results when I deleted the target hipbone’s keyframes and use a child of constraint instead. Also a few tweaks with damped track constraints for the limbs are required. After that the result is OK.

    Perhaps this is unavoidable during retargeting, if so you can mark as resolved.

    Thanks again!

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