Merging geografts brokes materials

Issue #1823 resolved
Metehan Kabasakal created an issue

I'm using latest version of daz importer. First pic is after merging the geograft and 2nd one is before.

Comments (10)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    diffeomorphic, blender 3.6.5

    I can’t reproduce the issue here, you may want to give exact steps.

    my steps:

    1. easy import G8M with dicktator, using default presets plus merge geografts and bsdf materials

  2. Jasper29

    Looks like your normal textures are set to RGB color space--I noticed Diffeo now sets up shader node trees with normal, specular and other textures to RGB color space instead of non-color (that are suppose to be set to non-color). Check said textures in the shader editor after merging geografts, maybe this is the case. Either that or it switched your UV maps after the merge?

  3. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Some bugs regarding both color spaces and uv maps have been fixed recently, so make sure to grab the very last build.

    The color space problems could happen if the normal maps were layered images, or if the same image appeared in multiple materials.

    The uv map problem happened when merging geografts if the character had both G8 and G8.1 uvs, in my case a G8 with G8.1 nails.

    However, both issues should be resolved. If you still have problems with the last build, please upload the duf file so I can have a look.

  4. Metehan Kabasakal reporter

    Still have same problem at latest build, as @Jasper29 said after merging geograft normal textures are set to RGB so manually changing them is solves.

    I’m using Blender 3.6.4 with AGX color space maybe this one causes to the issue

  5. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Fixed in last commit, almost. It turned out that the plugin made a call to Advanced Setup > Materials > Prune Materials, which messed up color spaces. This shouldn’t be needed, because materials should already be pruned when the character is imported. The issue persists if you invoke the Prune Materials tool manually, but there is normally no need for that; it exists mainly for debugging purposes.

  6. Alessandro Padovani

    Commit 5be43e2.

    I can confirm that the color space was wrong and is fixed now. However, I couldn’t get the artifacts shown by Metehan, tried both dicktator and golden palace G8. May be it’s because I use reduced resolution textures, not willing to try with 4k.

  7. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    No, I didn’t see any visual artifacts either, so I had to look at the nodes to see the problem.

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