Face units and rigify gets crazy

Issue #183 closed
Roman Mazurenko created an issue

Face units and rigify gets crazy

In clean model loaded face units, expressions and a lot of custom morphs.

After applying rigify rig, face gone crazy. Expressions and face units not working anymore.

Deleting standard morphs bring motel to normal state again.

If apply rigify first and then load face units and expressions. We got ugly faces on expressions.

Comments (3)

  1. engetudouiti

    I could confirm same issue with e9353ca,

    About morps which only drive shape keys seems still work, but pose controller type morphs (drive pose bones) seems lost .

    But there seems many up-date which may related with this issue,, so I hope if recent version already solve this issue.

  2. engetudouiti

    Try recent version daz importer. It seems work without problem at least with 2.83 LTS version 😉

    (I do not know if it work with 2.90 or not,, I found some bugs with 2.90, then now stop to test with 2.90)

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