bad normals in the HD export

Issue #184 resolved
Alessandro Padovani created an issue

It seems the HD exporter doesn’t export the figure uv maps, but just a global UVSet map. This is not taken into account in the HD materials though that continue to refer to the figure uv maps. So when the uv map is called explicitly it can’t be found and there are artifacts. For example normal maps don’t work.

The solution is to update the HD materials to use the global UVSet map. If we want to keep the base resolution figure then this would probably need to split the materials though into materials, and HD materials.

Comments (7)

  1. Alessandro Padovani reporter

    Then it is also likely that to bake a single uv map we have to keep the shells geometry for the HD figure, since shells may use extra uv maps.

  2. engetudouiti

    Though I did not test yet, but I think if it is blender side new bug with 2.90 2.91 or 2.83.5 later

    There have been reported some issues about UV maps not correctly applied when render (or 3d view render) in developer, with some conditions.

    what I see was, in edit mode, sometimes current render UV set not applied correctly.

    and it seems alerady confirmed (To do) .

  3. engetudouiti

    I test some about current blender 2.83 normal map node (blender offered), then usually if there is no UV set assgined (keep ad empty) in Normal map node >UV map prop, it may auto use UV set which current render setting active one, I suppose.

    I remember about real old version ,there have been issue which we need to set UVmap as the name in each nodes (which have UV set props) But recent blender versons may need not (so we can keep it as empty, then it auto use UV set which currently activate in render setting)

    Only case which may not work, when user need 2 UV sets in shader nodes, to tweak for their purpose. about this case, I suppose we need to input each UVset name manually which we need to use.

    So my suggestion is, to make it simple, not set any UV set name in node groups. (then blender auto set UV for each nodes prop, (when it need) without we need to use different UV set which actually not used for render (viewport and real render)

  4. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Fixed in the common case that the mesh has a single UV map. The first UV set of the HD mesh is simply given the same name as in the base mesh. With geografts things are trickier. I tried to export the names of the HD UV sets, but it turned out that the UV set is called "Dynamic Graft" in DS, which does not correspond to anything at base resolution.

  5. Alessandro Padovani reporter

    Commit 0bbaa73 works fine for the common case with one uv map. Marking as resolved.

    I can confirm that the solution proposed by engetudouiti to assign no names seems to work fine as well in the case with one single uv map. The issue remains to be resolved for HD shells with multiple uv maps but I guess we can be happy for now.

    Please note that the solution I proposed to split the HD materials and to keep the shell meshes should work fine for any case, shells included. But since HD meshes are mainly intended to aid for HD baking I understand this solution may not be agreed.

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