Blender 4: Object as no attribute 'crease'

Issue #1842 duplicate
ERo 3dlight created an issue


i’m getting the following error when doing an import (easy or not) with blender 4.0.1 and latest commit of diffeo

same Daz file works with blender 3.6.5 and Diffeo 1.7.1

Comments (9)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Edges are only creased if there are separate edge weights in DS, which I think is rather rare. However, the code that makes the creases uses bmesh, and apparently something changed in the bmesh api. Unfortunately the Blender servers seem to be down due to a DDOS attach, so I cannot check what changed. As a workaround the creasing code is disabled for Blender 4.

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    Please note that there are daz assets using hard edges and that’s why we implemented it, see #593. Disabling the feature in blender 4 should be a temporary workaround, unless it turns out there are other issues.

  3. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The Blender servers are still down, but I can confirm that this problem is specific to Blender 4. In Blender 3.6 BMesh.edges.layers has two attributes 'bevel_weight' and 'crease' that are missing in Blender 4.0.

  4. Alessandro Padovani

    From the interface nothing is changed in blender 4, we can set edge creases as before. I never worked with bmesh in python, but here I see as available property in edit mode.

    Hope this helps, let us know.

    p.s. The test scene is in #593 sub-cube.duf

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