Hair conversion failed

Issue #1848 invalid
ProMaxPlusUltralTi created an issue

blender 4.0 daz importer (latest version)

I don't know why, yesterday it was still working properly, but today it's not working anymore.

After clicking the "make hair" button, the hair turned into Italian macaroni.

Is there anything wrong with my settings? All parameters were attempted and did not work.

Hair has not been converted into particles, what should I do?

Comments (5)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    In Blender 4 you can not convert hair to particles. It is still possible to load files with particle hair, but it is not possible to generate new particle hair because Blender’s API does not support it. In Blender 4 we have hair curves instead.

    The raw hair curves look awful IMO, and therefore the plugin tries to add two node modifiers to the hair curve object. I write “tries to add”, because the modifier node groups must already exist in the Blender database. If you don’t like the look of the hair, you can change the parameters in the modifier tab, or remove the nodes modifiers altogether.

    I am new to hair curves myself, and I am sure that there are many things that could be improved.

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