How to import on DAZ an Simulation made on Blender

Issue #1869 invalid
Izan Groûper created an issue

I’m new, i see many tutorial about how to import morph, create simulation on blender. But i have stupid question. How to make simulation on blender and export it on DAZ ? I don’t know a lot so. If someone would like to give me advice. I also wanna know if it was possible to export “animated shapekey” on daz ? For example i want to make someone who take a punch on face. On blender i know how to animate shapekey. But i don’t know how to export a shapekey into daz and also animated it.Thank for your help.

Comments (5)

  1. Izan Groûper reporter

    Okay, well after fews try i “discovered” how to import shapekey customed from blender to daz. Just need to export from blender to daz your model as OBJ format,(selected object) put scale in 100 (remove also subsurface). Then in daz use morph loader pro. It will load a new shapekey for your character. Now just need to create simulation on blender and convert it as shapekey to export on daz as i told u before ! (If someone know a best way, i take it). I also wanna know if we can make custom shapekey directy on “driver” with others, for example i create shapekey on blender and directly put it in expression inside daz importer addon. Bcs i have right now to export on daz, then convert as morph then import again on blender.

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    Yes you can make custom morphs or even your own figure using the rigging tools in daz studio, you better ask at the daz forum for that, this is not specific to blender.

    Once you have your customized figure in daz studio just export as usual and it will load fine in blender.

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