NGV8 - Importing morphs to figure causes some shapekeys to activate

Issue #1879 invalid
frey h created an issue

I imported a basic Genesis 8 figure with Breastacular and New Gens for Victoria 8 (NGV8). When loading morphs for NGV8, the shapekey PBMAnusOpen for the mesh New Genitalia For Victoria 8 gets set to 1 when it should be set to 0. Likewise this occurs for the shapekey PBMG8FAnusOpen for the body mesh.

Tested with Diffeo but this also occurs on the public release build of 1.7.3. Blender version 4.0.1.

Comments (4)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    No, I cannot confirm this. Both shapekeys follow the slider called “0106 - AnusOpen”.

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