Glutes inflates when posing

Issue #1888 invalid
zack redfiel created an issue

Hi i have the newest version of diffeomorphic 1.7.3 and when i load character in easy import daz and add the properties what i need, this happens, in previous versions this fixed with add the jcms and flexions properties but now seems this changed

Comments (4)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    blender 4.0.2, diffeomorphic

    Seems to work fine here, unless you have specific steps to follow.

    my steps:

    1. easy import G8F with jcms and flexions
    2. convert to mhx

    p.s. There’s recent fixes on mhx jcms so you need to get the development version, not the stable.

  2. zack redfiel reporter

    Yeah, I have diffeomorphic version, and it works fine on, it seems that only that version does not work fine.

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