All custom porperty of rig object, may need to set "is library Overridable" when it generate

Issue #189 resolved
engetudouiti created an issue

I remember I requested it untill 2.8 becom official release version.

Now blender seems already remove bug about driver override.,

but it still need to set “library Overridable” to override custom properties.

Actually I suppose as default we already import at least 30 morphs (shape key, or driver). and add custom prop for rig object.Then when we use “override”, we may hope most of “morph” can work in override scene.

I check how rigi-fy bone custom properties are offered, then they are already checked “is library Overridable” , there seems no easy way,, but I suppose, it may not so difficult, when script generate those custom props, (import morphs, transfer morphs etc) set “Library overridable” TRUE.

Or we may need option, when we import morphs. to set “Library overridable” TRUE.

Comments (9)

  1. engetudouiti reporter

    I think, it seems not so difficult to change as overridable about property which DAZ importer added.

    C.active_object.property_overridable_library_set('["CTRLJawIn-Out"]', True) can set prop as overwridable.

    then we may need list of each property Path with use Daz Importer offered morph function.

    mdic = import_daz.getMorphs(ob, "ALL")

    then we can get each key as str

    But need to format "CTRLJawIn-Out" to '["CTRLJawIn-Out"]' (it is annoying process for me ^^;)

  2. engetudouiti reporter
    import bpy
    import import_daz
    ob = bpy.context.active_object #select rig
    mdic = import_daz.getMorphs(ob, "ALL")
    p_lst = []
    for key in mdic.keys():
        p_lst.append("[" + '"' + key +'"' + "]")
    for str in p_lst:
        ob.property_overridable_library_set(str, True)

    it seems work. so ideally there is button in morph advanced section. to set morphs as overridable. then we can use override for the Actor. (though I need to check, if another prop need to set same thing,,) eg shape keys..

  3. engetudouiti reporter

    Yes the atached script can change importer morph props of rig, so it work for pose controll morphs. but not work for shape key dirver morphs. (UI controller now editable, but shape key remain as not editable, then not work I suppose there should be way to set mesh shape keys as overridable.

    And even though I use daz.getMorphs, it can not cover all property which used this add on,

    like DazMorphCats[0] active,, which used to close open individual custom morph category.

    but Open all Close all category still work.

    I test pray over ride scene. then Rigi-fy already work (can editable), I found some driver

    eg (pectoral driven by sholder) seems lost in override scene. (so maybe toe and toe ctrl too,

    and suppose jcm may lost untill we set each driver as overridable again. I do not know detail process still.

    I can import pose already. (for rigi-fy override actor)

  4. engetudouiti reporter

    It seems still need many manuall work, to return morphs systems for override actor.

    The problem is, driver change target of shape key, (it link with original scene rig)

    I need to update it, or set again about each shape key driver for current override rig.

    then to manually edit driver for each shape keys,I need to make it local about meshes.

    So after all I think I still need many local mesh etc.. and bone driver (like pectoral with sholder) work, I seems need to get rig pose as local ^^;

    What I can confrimed,, pose controller morphs (like expressions etc) seems work without I re-target etc. and without make it local. (so it still somehow night -mare to use override for import rig)

    I think there seems already to-do list, about rig character override. So I suppose it may be gradually improved. But at least about custom props, we may need to make it overridable. as default. (rigi-fy already make their prop so, though how it work seems different between 2.83LTS (2.836) and 2.9 versions.

    I keep this topic, but set low

  5. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    This is only a problem if you convert to rigify, right? The original Daz rig already had overridable properties, but that flag was not copied to the rigify rig until now.

  6. engetudouiti reporter

    Ah no. I did not test original rig, so do not notice it. At current I mostly test with rigi-fy converted actor, scene only, then I did not test with default rig scene.

    Then when you test it, override charcter all shape keys can be driven by morph controllers? I felt I need to make mesh local first to shape key override. but it still seems lost link for rig(object) prop in override scene.

    After I edit shape key driver, (just re-assgin target object as rig in override scene), it finally work.

    but I may not hope do samething for all shape keys so I am thinking, if there is way to solve shape key driver.

    But if it work with default rig arlready, I hope it will work for converted rig if you can. anyway I may try with default rig soon.

  7. engetudouiti reporter

    Yes It seems already set as overridable (though this time I only test with default rig)

    thanks you made it so. (and thanks recent up-date for rigi-fy)

    But to override work as I expect , it still need some improvements. (blender side, and add on side)

    about add on side, It may need to overridable about some props of UI

    each custom category can not open <> close anymore. it try to keep the status which I saved as Library file. I suppose we often use it.

    Though open and close all custom category still work. but after I set one of custom category morph values, it suddenly return (so some category auto close, then un-necessary one open.even though I edit another morph value)

    most annoying thing seems happen as blender side problem.

    all shape keys need to re-target driver object. (there are 2 same target, Override , and Linked) then untill I set again, they do not work. (not change shape key values)

    and to shape key value change, after all I need to set all mesh as local ^^;

    So I do not push this request. (maybe I need to wait blender developer improve current override system for complex rig (driver constrain custom props UI, , shape keys etc) I afraind some of them will not work after all.

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