XY support?

Issue #1893 resolved
fdfs asdasf created an issue

I noticed that this plugin supports Dicktator, but unfortunately, I found that it does not support XY. Will there be support for XY in the future?

Comments (5)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The plugin handles geografts in a general way and doesn’t have support for any specific one (although there is some special support for NGV8). So XY should work just as well as dicktator. I didn’t have any problems to import XY and merge it with the body. However, I did encounter a slight problem when loading custom morphs, because the driving expression for one of the jcms exceeded Blender’s 256-character limit. That has been fixed now.

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    @Thomas, what about optimizing the jcms drivers, that is, as in “optimize jcms drivers“ in the global settings. First load the drivers in python strings, then optimize, then assign to blender expressions. Let us know.

  3. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The problem is splineTCB drivers, which can be very long if there are many segments with different slopes. It is hard to optimize those without losing information.

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