Transfering Morphs to Face Meshes impacts ERC

Issue #1895 resolved
Maneki created an issue

When I load a character with a fullbody morph, I’ve to transfer the morph to the face meshes, otherwise they all just stay in place when I morph the character. Transfering the morph to the eyes and teeth causes the bones to shift away. I think there was a similar if not the same issue in the past but it got fixed. It seems it’s back, I guess.
Edit: This issue is exclusively with ERC Armature it seems. ERC Translation doesn’t seem to have it.

Comments (4)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Fixed in last commit. The morph armature script did some special tricks with bones that move meshes with rigidity groups, like the eyes. Alas, these tricks turned out to totally mess up the G9 eyes, so they are now disabled.

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