'Change Unit Scale' has been moved to Global Settings?

Issue #1913 closed
Jasper29 created an issue

Hey Thomas, I recently realized that ‘change unit scale’ is no longer in the advanced rigging panel anymore (now global settings).

I was wondering if it was possible to bring it back really anywhere in the setup panel AFTER importing a character. It would allow us

to scale the character correctly for use, and it’s way easier to use the measure tools in Blender in the viewport while scaling. If the

ability to change the scale is in Global Settings, we have to know the precise measurements before we even import over,

as well as changing the scale in Global Settings everytime we import a new character. An example of this would be (sorry, American

using Imperial System lol) if a character is say 5 feet 6 inches tall-- the Blender unit measurement through Diffeo would be roughly

.009382 off the top of my head. So you could of course use this in Global Settings and then import over, but would have to go back

to global settings to change it again for a different character. I feel this is ineffecient and slows the workflow down, imho it is easier

the way it was before where we could adjust the scale in realtime in the viewport and be accurate with our measurements. Of course

if there is a reason that it was moved that way, then it is understood.

Comments (7)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The plugin kept the scale in several different places, but this was confusing and it was not carried out consistently, which resulted in various bugs. Therefore I decided to clean out that mess and use the scale variable everywhere.

    I could bring back the button that changes unit scale, but other tools still use the global setting. So if you import an animation to a character in imperial units, and the global scale setting is meters, the stride will still be measured in meters.

  2. Jasper29 reporter

    I see, that makes sense. I personally make my own animations so that wouldn’t bother me at all, but cannot say the same for any others. I also wouldn’t want you to change something just because of me--so either way I’ll be fine with whatever you choose to do. Thank you again.

  3. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Now its back, but under a new name. There are two new tools in the Utilities panel.

    Set Units gives you a dropdown list where you can set the units, or you can type in the unit scale manually if you select “Manual”. The changes the global setting.

    Scale Object scales the object and its materials. By default the global unit scale is also updated. I would recommend that you leave that on, since I’m unsure what happens if the global and objects scales are out of sync.

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