After converting to MHX Part of shape Keys not under drive control

Issue #1918 resolved
LAOSHU HH created an issue

Everything was fine when Import Standard Morphs

But after converting to MHX Part of shape Keys not under drive control

However Rigify is still normal

Comments (6)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    diffeomorphic, mhx, blender 4.0.2

    I can’t reproduce the issue here, you may need to update. Unless there’s specific steps to follow. Of course if you use the “shapekey mute drivers“ option in the global settings then it affects the shapekeys.

    my steps:

    1. easy import G8F with jcms
    2. convert to MHX

  2. LAOSHU HH reporter

    I tried other versions,1.71 is correct in Blender3.6.2

    This situation will occur in the latest version,But not all, the knees are still correct

    I disabled Optimize JCM Drivers in Globat Settings,It won't turn gray, but it still doesn't work

    (I downloaded the latest installation package, but the label shows MHX 1.7.2)

  3. LAOSHU HH reporter

    Solved, I installed the development version and imported it again, and these Shape Keys are working properly

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