some note about d882c9e in retarget_bvh

Issue #1919 resolved
Konstantin Konstantinov created an issue

Sorry, I don’t know is it a right place to post, but here I was redirected from the bl_info.tracker_url.

And I have no access rights to the retarget_bvh tracker.

So, the issue:

there is this line in the d882c9e73f3dc93991edc08bff6be1b541293ba9 commit:

euler = Euler(Vector(self.t_pose[bname])*D, pb.rotation_mode)

but this doesn’t work, if pb.rotation_mode == 'QUATERNION'

which is a common case.

Thank you.

Comments (5)

  1. Konstantin Konstantinov reporter

    Wow. Great! Never expected such a fast reaction. You just made my day. Thank you.

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