Geometry editor active, then export HD grafted Actor can offer multi modifier added graft item

Issue #192 resolved
engetudouiti created an issue

Current lmitation about daz HD morph meshes import process seems,

When graft items have HD morphs, There seems no way to import them. Because current manuall way is, atach base resolution only Graft item to HD base multiresolution mesh,. (so change sub-D level, it just sub-D new merged graft meshes with level)

Then it can not keep HD morph for gfart item parts, (if the product have them)

But I know one cheat way. Maybe if Thomas see this pic, easy understand what will happen.

when you set Geometry editor activate, Daz studio change meshes for graft items to edit mesh geometry.

it keep graft item fit to Actor , but at same time, separate meshes. then base and graft keep their individual current sub-D resolution.

The only problem is, when Geometry editor active, each mesh sub-divide individually. then about graft items , Only border vertices may move slightly. (but it can be solved, if plug in can merge mesh. )

If I keep Geometry editor Active, and export by DAZ importer as HD dbz duf,, then import the duf with dbz, in blender, it generate multiresolution modifier for Both Base mesh, and graft meshes. (no error) too.

That means, the improted graft items can keep HD morphs of the part, as mutliresolution sub-D option. but still atached armature. and keep vertex group and postion for most of vertex. (only border verts slightly moved)

The current problem is, (so I may request it), plug in could not or fail, to auto merge graft HD items when it include multi resolution modifier with Actor HD mesh ( multi resolution modifier), even though plug in ccould generate multiresolution modifier, for both .

(And the reason is, “I suppose” the connect parts verts position smoothed then moved about graft items, So plug in do not think it is graft items or plug in can only auto merge, when graft itmes have no multi resolution modifier)

But I expect if Thomas can solve it. because, export mesh may keep, the connect part verts as “vertex Group” before.

Even though Auto merge graft items not work, I suppose we can use manuall way, join 2 mesh in blender, then adjust graft items edge on to base mesh, with snap tool, (auto merge option), then remove un-necessary parts (dobule faces) , It may generate real merged mesh, which still keep HD morphs for grafted item parts as multi resolution modifier (2.9 only work)

Comments (7)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Never heard about the geometry editor before. I could turn it on, but nothing happens and I can’t see any new panes. And now I cannot turn it off.

    However this does seem to do the trick. As you said, we now get separate HD meshes both for the body and the geografts. In the last commit I added info to the HD meshes that is necessary for merging to work.

    The geograft boundary verts are not perfectly lined up with the body verts, but in my test cases the meshes were merged correctly anyway. We had the same problem before, before Alessandro noted that the export script needs to switch to base resolution, so the import code was already preparted for the case that the vertices are slightly off.

  2. engetudouiti reporter

    Basically to use each tool mode of daz studio you need not new pane, it just change active tool.

    To use easy you may better open “Tool setting tab” (though you can choose active tool from icon menu etc)

    And it may not toggle. but when you select another tool, auto off.

    Geometry Editor is one of tool to edit surface group, or change visiblity , assgin rigidity group etc

    you can access many options, with r-click tool setting tab. or click option icon of tab.

    And thanks, yes you seems do what I hoped (I thought I need to keep info, so I could not merge)then Yes as you said, there is a little problem.

    The grafted items boundary (or all verts of item) slightly move (as same as when we add sub-D for individual parts) ,with geometry editor activate.. Then it sapareted from body, so it may move slightly inward I think.

    If after merged, there are clear seem, I usually correct it with smooth brush or selected verts smooth in blender.. (current 2.9 sculpt work well,, so I could easy smooth seam (connection area)

    So I can not recommend way much. But if we add multireso modifier, for high poligon mesh, then inverse sub-D to return base low poly mesh, it usually smooth out (move verts) than original base mesh. So I did not care mach, even though grafted item verts slilghtly change.

    I did not think , my way is really useful for others, but at least I think it may useful if you understand what I means,.

    Then thanks good blog about normal map. I may plan, if I can use displacement map, with adaptive sub-D. current blender 2.9 can generate displacement map, only with multireso modifier.

    So if it seems work well, I may hope add option (normal or displacement with adaptive sub-D)

    basically adaptive sub-D displacement map may work better than normal. (but low perfromance)

    quarity is,, high-reso displacement > adaptive sub-D displacement > normal

    perfomance is normal > adaptive sub-d + displacementmap > high resolutilon displacement map

  3. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I modified the export script so it temporarily sets the geometry editor as the active tool, but it didn’t help. The script exports the cached geometry, and presumably the geometry cache must be updated before the script starts. Making a forced cache update doesn’t work either, since the subd levels are lost after that.

    So the best solution is to add this trick to the documentation. Enabling the geometry editor before exporting the scene is easy enough, if you know that you should do that.

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