Scraggle settings not preserved in strand-based hair?

Issue #1924 invalid
Sherwyn Poon created an issue

Hi there, first of all thanks for creating this addon. Pressing “Make Hair” with the following strand-based hair doesn’t seem to preserve the “scraggles” (the tight curls) in the hair. The resulting particles contain straight hair. Is there a setting I’m missing? If not, is there a way to reproduce the tight curls in the imported hair? I am using this product:

Comments (6)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    No, the make hair tool only preserves the coordinates of the hair strands. It doesn’t look at any other parameters, which probably don’t have a direct counterpart in Blender. What you can do is to add modifiers to the hair curves in Blender, but I don’t know that much about those.

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    Works fine here. The hair strands are baked from the daz viewport, so be sure that PR hairs are enabled and tessellated in daz studio, aka visible in the viewport. Then in blender you must have enough resolution to follow the hair shape, depending on the hair, that means the “strand steps” in the particle panel. In your pictures it is clear the resolution is not enough to follow that particular hair.

    If there’s nothing to add will close as invalid.

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